Monsters BONUSES ADDED Thursday, March 12th (see below)
Get Ben Adkins' Latest Facebook Tell All 
 "The Evil Magician: Theory of Everything".
For Over 70% Off (Release Price will Be $997)
Ben's Dark Post Profit 2.0 Bonus Package
"The Evil Magician: Facebook Theory of Everything"
(my most powerful facebook course to date)
Part 1: The Magician Research Method
I will go out on a limb and say that this one part will completely change the way you attack a niche online because of how powerful it is. 

This is the true "Stand on the Shoulder of Giants" walk through to doing research so that you never attack a niche without knowing if it worth going after.

You'll be blown away by the information you can get when you get through this part of the Magician Course.
Part 2: The Multi Layered Ad Method
In this section I'll help you take everything you learned in Part 1 and put it into action. We'll be building ad campaigns from the ground up and you'll see how the world's top marketers build layered campaigns, track their conversions, and scale.

This Section will also show you the secrets to creating Never Die Ads. These ads can run for months without ever having to change up the creative.
Part 3: "3 Deep Retargeting Technique"
I'll show the secrets to retargeting at various levels of your funnel. You'll be blown away when you see the secrets to creating retargeting that is funnel deep.

This one section will change your 2015 due to how powerful retargeting has become using Facebook.
Part 4: The Facebook Page Balancer
There is a right time and a wrong time to focus on building and growing a Facebook Fan Page. Not only will you learn about this, but you'll also learn about some of the secret tools that we use to put our pages on autopilot.

This ensures that we run set it and forget pages that work for us 24/7. This will be an eye opener for even the most seasoned Facebook Marketers.
Part 5: "Facebook Offer Method
If you're ready to take it to the next level you need to start mastering the power of Facebook Offers. This "no holds barred" walkthrough will show you the secrets to using one of Facebook's Secret Weapons to grow your own business.

This is something that barely anyone talks about... but the best Facebook marketers are using to kill it with. Now You'll Have this Weapon at your Disposal too.
The "Theory of Everything" Dashboard
We're Serious about your success with Facebook. In that effort we have designed a dashboard that will walk you through the steps of the Evil Magician's "Theory of Everything".

Sit back and walk through the path that the dashboard lays out and you'll make sure that you take the steps to be successful with your campaign.

We're leaving nothing to chance and the dashboard will help make sure that you're rocking it out with Facebook Like Never Before.
But Wait... There's Even More Good Stuff!!!
When You Pick Up Dark Post Profits 2.0 You Also Get...
The "Copy and Paste Campaign" Mastermind
Every Month we'll give you an inside look into our business so that you can see every piece of our Sales Funnels so that you can profit off of them too. These are tested campaigns that are actively making us money. 

You get our Ads, our Pages, our emails, and the rest of the campaign setup.
(We'll Even Give you the Audiences that we are Targeting on Facebook when running these profitable campaigns.)

You can profit from this mastermind in 2 different ways:

1) Copy the pieces and apply them to your product.
2) Run the ad yourself and profit from the affiliate commissions.
BONUS ADDED (Added Tuesday, March 10th)
The "Never Die Ads" Case Study
Ready to See the Power of a ad that can run months and still make you money. Inside of this very special bonus I'll walk you through the full campaign.

You'll see the ads, the funnel pages, the products, as well as the emails that tie it all together. Copy it and profit.
BONUS ADDED (Added Tuesday, March 10th)
5 NEW Facebook Magician Tricks
I covered these live on the webinar to launch out this program and we had a ton of folks asking if we could send them a replay because the tricks were so good. 

I cut the webinar down to feature only the trick and you'll also get these once you purchase through our link below.
BONUS ADDED (Added Wednesday, March 11th)
The "Spy on these List"
In this bonus video we covered an extremely powerful technique using a site called BuzzSumo. This list is extremely valuable.

Only the folks that have already bought and the next 100 buyers are eligible for this bonus (this bonus will disappear from this page when we have sold 100 copies. (100 copies starts now on Wednesday March 11th at 5:43AM EST)

Get This Before the Bonus Vanishes
BONUS ADDED (Added Thursday, March 12th)
The "Arbitrage Magician 2.0"
This is the course that has changed countless lives. Inside you'll learn how to create you own private label branded physical product like the one you see in the picture on the right.

You'll get all of the inside secret of how to start a physical product business without the need of any inventory and how to scale up from your initial testing.

This course retails at $997 and you'll be blown away when you see what's inside and how you can instantly start a physical product business that you control.
BONUS ADDED (Added Thursday, March 12th)
Dr Ben's "Zimmer: Online Photo Editing Software"
If you're doing anything with Facebook Ads you know that you need to have a good photo editor for resizing images and getting them ready to upload to the ad editor. 

This image editor is ready to rock and it's all housed online.
You'll be blown away by how easy it is to use and how much time it saves you with task like cropping, resizing, and quick text addition.

Click the Play Button on the Right for a Quick Demo.
BONUS ADDED (Added Friday, March 13th)
The Fearless Social Live Event Recording
This event was one of the most revealing and life changing events that I've ever been a part of. We covered Facebook, Business, and a ton of things that have helped us become successful that most people never talk about.

The things that we talked about will blow you away.

Don't miss your chance to get a recording of a private event I said I would never release to the public.

The Session Setup:

Session 1:
The Anatomy of a Multi-Million Dollar Business
(how my team is put together and what they do)

Session 2:
The Belief that Drives Us
(Donald Wilson, Tanner Larson, Monica Birdsong, Ben Adkins)

Session 3:
The "4 Questions of Success"

Session 4:
Don Wilson (targeting)

Session 5:
Facebook Ads (Ben Adkins)

Session 6:
Tanner Larsson (physical products)

Session 7:
Monica Birdsong (The Business Blueprint)

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