My Evil Traffic Magician Bonus Package Expires In:
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Welcome to my Private Bonus Page for The Evil Traffic Magician.
(Click the Button Below to Buy Through My Link)
Your Bonuses will be Available Immediately after Purchase via the JVZoo Dashboard.
What's Inside of My Evil Traffic Magician Bonus Package?
Bonus #1
The Social Email Blueprint
The Evil Traffic Magician is going to give you a ton of ways to get traffic... but I wanted to give you something a little special. What if you could be a fly on the wall and spy on a Facebook Marketing Master? In this very special bonus you'll get to sit behind Ben Adkins as he deconstructs how he builds a monster list on Facebook (in any niche) and then monetizes that list.

Inside This Bonus you'll Get:
  • How to Build a Big Email List From Scratch:
    You'll get a behind the scenes look at how to build a fb page from scratch and then turn around and build a list from that page (in a very clever way).
  • The Trust Building Offer:
    Once you start building your list, you'll want to use this very special "trust building offer" to get them to engage with you and opt in. This shows you how to do it.
  • Email Sequences and Timing:
    It doesn't matter if you build a giant email list if you don't know how to talk to them and get them to take action. This section of the bonus training shows you exactly how to do that and a whole lot more.
  • The Optin Spike Content Method:
    As an added bonus, Ben walks you through a very special list building method that will get you a ton of perfectly targeted optins quickly.
Bonus #2
The 100k Funnel Map
Inside of the Evil Traffic Magician you'll learn how to get a ton of traffic on Demand. Inside of this special bonus you'll get a behind the scenes view on how to create a funnel that converts that traffic into a buyer.

Inside This Bonus you'll Learn:
  • The Math Behind a 100k Funnel:
    Every good funnel starts with Planning and you'll get to watch a multi-million dollar per year online marketer show you exactly how he plans these funnels before he even sits down at a computer (this is so powerful).
  • The 5 Pieces in a 100k Funnel:
    Most people make building an online sales funnel complicated. It only takes 5 key things and it actually isn't that much work. We'll show you how it all works inside.
  • The Growth Hack Behind Actually Building it:
    The secret to getting these built lies in one key personal psychology hack. If you learn this and take it to heart you'll never be the same.
  • The Secret Software that makes it easy
    The hardest part of this entire 100k Funnel process comes down to one skill. We'll show you the powerful software that we use that makes it easy.
Bonus #3
Viral Facebook Ads
Inside the Evil Traffic Magician you'll be learning a ton about ad targeting and some very cool secret ad techniques. Inside this bonus you'll learn the secrets behind creating ads that people share.

Inside This Bonus you'll Learn:
  • The Mindset Behind Being a Successful Ad Writer:
    Facebook ads are all about testing and most people quit at the first sign of not being profitable... even though they have a winner. We'll show you the secrets behind knowing you have a winner even when it doesn't win at first.
  • The Viral Physical Product Ad:
    We'll show you an actual ad for a physical product that went viral and the psychology behind why it did.
  • The Viral Digital Product Ad:
    We'll dig into a Facebook Ad for a Digital product that went viral (and show you the reasons why).
Bonus #4
With all the amazing traffic techniques that you pick up in the Evil Traffic Magician, you may want to use it to sell something. In this private guide we'll show you how to sell physical products online without having to invest in inventory. (this is the perfect fit for what you'll learn inside of the Evil Traffic Magician).

Inside This Session you'll Learn:
  • How to Source Products for Free:
    Too many people think you have to invest thousands of dollars and take a ton of risk to get into selling physical products. We'll show you how to do it without any risk.
  • How to Create Your Online Store in 24 Hours:
    You'll need a store to sell your physical products. You can wade through hours of training and frustrations or follow our simple setup guide to get going fast.
  • Sourcing and Private Labeling
    The key to longterm success with physical products is to have your own brand. We'll show you the secrets behind building your own brand once you know you have a winner.
  • Scaling to the Next Level
    Once you go through all of the other sections you'll want to know how to take it to the next level and make some real money. We'll show you exactly how inside.
Grab Your Bonus Package and The Evil Traffic Magician Now.
Your Bonuses will be Available Immediately after Purchase via the JVZoo Dashboard.
Proudly Created in Memphis TN. Copyright Thirty3 Productions 2015
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